

Each and everyone person,  I know has had to learn many lessons in their life.  Some were easy, some damn right painful.  Sometimes we didn’t want to learn the lesson. Some lessons we did not think we needed to learn. Sometimes we wanted to pretend we did not have a problem.  Sometimes we thought if we didn’t tell anyone that it wouldn’t hurt so much.We disappointed people that we loved.

At this time in my life , a lesson that happens in Chapter 30:

5 x 7 ” Sweet farewell”

This lesson is a damn right hard one for me. I want to lace up my sneakers and run until my body can’t take it anymore, but deep down inside I know that will not help.  I have faith that what is meant to happen will happen. Good or Bad, I can handle it.

Today, I signed up to be a Volunteer for RAINN.  Yes, I am Survivor of Sexual Abuse.  I am not afraid of what you will think of me. I am not embarrassed anymore. I will not carry the burden of this secret anymore. I am a SURVIVOR!!!! I will make a DIFFERENCE!


6 thoughts on “Lessons”

  1. Kim – You are so BRAVE & BEAUTIFUL. Hold your head high and keep shining.

  2. Your art is beautiful. Keep on those sneakers.

    Thank you for sharing your sorrow. I followed the link and see that RAINN is supported by Oprah Winfrey. I hope you find some healing.

    Love Beth xoxo

  3. I’m not in your shoes…
    rather than ‘think’ of you in a ‘way’
    I guess I don’t know what to say …
    you are brave
    and I hope that time has brought
    you peace
    and now you can help others.
    Best wishes…

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