I have been following Lisa Pavelka, 365 Days of Lip Service. She is taking carmex containers and covering them in polymer clay for a whole year! They are GORGEOUS!!!! I was lucky enough to take a class with Lisa a couple of years ago at CHA! Lisa is funny and sweet! Okay, anyways this inspired me to try a carmex container my way….

“Pretty Lips”
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Published by K Hutchinson
Hi! I'm Kim...my friends call me K, Nan, Nan K or Kimmer. I have been doing art for as long as I can remember. I even stayed an extra year in high school to stay and play in the art room with my favorite Art teacher, Mrs. Belling. Mixed media is something I am really loving to play with but then I enjoy doing anything art related. I am still search for my niche in art. Hopefully someday I will find it! Maybe it will find me! View all posts by K Hutchinson
wow awesome!!! so pretty
Awesome idea of reusing items. I love what you did with yours!!!
Very cool. Your signature colours are beautiful.
Cute container!! I can’t imagine using 365 jars of anything…wow..that’s amazing in itself! 🙂
How cool! Love it!
another beauty you have there and so clever to recycle this way.