Charm, Collage, necklace

My New Year’s word for 2013

I have been doing some soul searching for a while, not really knowing what it is I need to do. Also had some family stuff that has been going on that we are still trying to iron out. So, as I thought about my word for 2013 to give me guidance though this up coming year. I had a lot rolling around in my head!

This is what I came up with:



– in my faith, love, family, art, photography, eating health, being happy, etc…

I aslo started working on a new style pendant.





Sweet little piece to CHEER in the new year with! Hope you all have a wonderful, safe, Happy New Year!

Thanks for stopping in,




2 thoughts on “My New Year’s word for 2013”

  1. Happy New Year girlfriend. Hope you and your family stay healthy and happy. Your pendent is precious. So delicate. Well done.

  2. Happy New Year girl! Tori loved the necklace you made. I put it in her stocking. I also found 2 hearts in nature while on vacation and photographed them for you!

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