






That’s what we have been up to in a nut shell!

Thanks for you comments! They brighten my day!



9 thoughts on “Wordless…..”

  1. Interesting shots. I am intrigued by the first one, your criss crossing it abstracts it nicely.

  2. Hillarious post. I say that because your statement was very short and to the point. A picture says a thousand words which adds up to 5,000 words. Your top picture really intrigues me. You are so good with photoshop. Oh, I could do without the bugs. Thank God my son was (and still is at 20) scared of bugs!

  3. OMG Kim I love this so reminds me of my grandson he collects rocks everywhere he goes fills his pockets and the bug he calls them doobie’s don’t know why he is 7 an always puts a smile on my face .
    No words were neccessory I understood every picture 😉

  4. Whatcha gonna mosaic? Awesome plate colors…lots of possibilities!

  5. Omg that bug creeps me out. It’s so huge! Can’t wait to see what you’re doing with the broken plates. you’re so creative!

  6. There is nothing I love more than seeing a boy using a hammer (or a man for that matter 🙂 ) seems they are born to pound on things! LOL!
    Can’t wait to see the mosiac!

  7. WOW! Looks like that ink spot has been having all kinds of fun lately! That bug looks icky!

  8. oh wow, whta fun your boys must have braking glass for you!! do you have anew mosiac project in the works??

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