Tick Tock…Tick Tock….the summer is almost over 😦 My garden is finally producing some goodies!


Chicken pesto- made with homemade pesto-yummy
Next up, I changed my clock in my studio from green to blue! te he he It use to be in my kitchen!

Tick tock

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Published by K Hutchinson
Hi! I'm Kim...my friends call me K, Nan, Nan K or Kimmer. I have been doing art for as long as I can remember. I even stayed an extra year in high school to stay and play in the art room with my favorite Art teacher, Mrs. Belling. Mixed media is something I am really loving to play with but then I enjoy doing anything art related. I am still search for my niche in art. Hopefully someday I will find it! Maybe it will find me! View all posts by K Hutchinson
Like the pictures!!! Yummy looking food!!!!
Thanks for sharing!!! Happy Day
he hehee, you’re so funny thinking to change the colour of your clock. Why not! I love how you decorated it–you rock!
Yummy!!! It looks so good, K.
Yummy! I love garden fresh veggies! Nice job on the clock too–I love the “Tick Tock” on it!
mmmm…..fresh veggies and a fresh, new look for your clock! You go, girl! Looks like you’ve had a busy day!
Hey GF that chicken pesto looks so yummy I made a new eggplant recipe today with yummy fresh garden veggies and that clock is awesome love the way you decorated Kim great job.
The food looks amazing and your clock is gorgeous. Love that you put those words on it. Such a gentle reminder that time is ticking by.