Card, ippity

Keep swimming!

“ippity set- Fishy Philosophy”

Sometimes the best life lesson is just keep swimming! Don’t look at those at tempting  you to do wrong! If  those bullies know what they are doing bothers you they will do it more.  The boys are learning some hard lessons this week! I am very proud of  both the ink spot for  not being tempted to wail off and hit those teasing and hitting them. Being a bully is not cool no matter what !!!!!!Very disappointment in the school system that this kind of behavior goes on with out a word being said.

Thanks for stopping in!


8 thoughts on “Keep swimming!”

  1. Love this stamp set! Your project looks like a mini aquarium. All I can think of is Dory “just keep swimming, swimming”. 🙂

  2. I am sorry the boys are being bullied. Kids can be so cruel and school systems have never been able or willing to protect the children from the bullies. I love this card and the sentiment.

  3. Hit back!!! It’s self defense. I’m just kidding. Sorta. I would hope that the kids would ignore, walk away or stick up for themselves… but when the time comes… hit back!

    Hugs my friend.

  4. Sending big hugs, we’ve been there. You’re teaching good lessons. If I had it to do over again, I think I’d follow Thanh’s advice. Teach them how to throw a nice serious ko punch and walk on home. I know that sounds awful, but they’d leave the boys alone after that. Schools really don’t deal well with this stuff. Sorry they’re going through it. Love the art therapy.

  5. Bullying continues even to adulthood… so sad!!! Love the swimming fish, super cute!

  6. Keep on swimming is a fitting title. I’m so sorry to hear about the teasing. Love your fishy project.

  7. I’m sorry to hear the ink spots are being bullied, but bravo to them for handling it in such a grown-up way! Kudos to you too Kim! Love this project–great coloring!

  8. Hey Kim love your take on life and proud of the inkspots my DGD had the same problem this week came home sobbing. her teacher received complaints from 3 parents.

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