
Down and out

Hello everyone! WAVING! I am down and out right now. I have a sinus infection and laryngitis. I got some meds today so hopefully I will be on the mend soon!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

We enjoyed ours with a trip to the zoo, snappers baseball game, and some fireworks! SMILE!

I have been taking some fusing classes in Madison. Well, today I got a microwave kiln and have been doing a little playing.

Still lots to learn about fusing but having a blast!  ***glass is hard to take good photos of 😦 ***

Now off to lay down for a little while!

Thanks for stopping in!


3 thoughts on “Down and out”

  1. Sorry to hear you’ve caught a bug! Rest up and get well soon!

  2. I hope your feel much better soon! I like your projects! These seems to be fun!

  3. Feel better… or feel better to craft! I think the pictures of ‘glass’ turned out great!!! Call me silly, but are you making the baubles for bead making? Or adding to other craft projects… I’m sorry that I don’t know much about a kiln and fusing!!! But it looks like fun!

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