Charm, Photography

Days gone by…

Do you remember sitting in the field of wildflowers as a kid…picking the petals off the flower saying “he love me, he loves me not”. I used to do that all the time. Of course,  I would keep picking the petals until the answers came out to what I wanted it to be! LOL!  Truth be told you will still find me doing that! te he he

Some things have happened this week that make me want to go back to that simple time in life and be able to find the answers to my questions by simply picking petals until it comes out right. ***sigh**** but I am not a kid and I know that is not the way to solve your problems, nor will it fix your problems.

“loves me”

Supplies: I made the orange and clay piece with clay, blue lampwork bead at bottom made by me, wire, black chain, beads, wildflower, stamped center of clay piece, resin.

I also know that sometimes you feel alone, but you are not. If you just look around you can see all the love and support you will need. You first have to big enough to admit you made a  mistake or have a problem, take the consequences , and let others support you.

“My backyard friends”

Thanks for stopping in! Enjoy this Mother’s day weekend!


3 thoughts on “Days gone by…”

  1. Yay Kim…. love to see the pieces of jewelry that you are making… awesome. I like the backyard friends too…. finches right??? We have yellow & red….. they sure like to eat thistle.

    Be brave and strong … us mommies need to wear our big girl panties even if we want to go commando … hee hee

  2. Good gracious K, your necklace is GORGEOUS. My mom is going to get into polymar clay necklaces too.

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