My first bead journal project, I wanted to use my word of the year harmony. I did my collage first. I put the collage on a old game piece and then seal it! On the collage I also a used a bird to show flight/soar and flowers to symbolize growth (blooming). Two things you need to have find perfect harmony. Next with the beading, I used 6 little blue beads, little eggs to show all the potential waiting to be nurtured. Sounded by a little ice of winter. I use the peachy gold and blue for winter sky.
The breath of air had died of cold,
When shoeing home across the white,
I thought I saw a bird alight.
In summer when I passed the place
I had to stop and lift my face;
A bird with an angelic gift
Was singing in it sweet and swift.
No bird was singing in it now.
A single leaf was on a bough,
And that was all there was to see
In going twice around the tree.
From my advantage on a hill
I judged that such a crystal chill
Was only adding frost to snow
As gilt to gold that wouldn’t show.
A brush had left a crooked stroke
Of what was either cloud or smoke
From north to south across the blue;
A piercing little star was through.

Very nice. You’ve named it well.
I love the poem and your explanation of the piece. The colors certainly do show harmony. That was a good title for the pendant. Thanks for all the pictures. You have given me a new idea for the structure of the backing for my pendant. Very clever.
Your pendant is absolutely magnificent… everything about it works toward a feeling of harmony… the soft, gentle colors, the peaceful bird and her blue eggs, the blooming flowers! Bravo, I say! What is it about the work that you don’t think is good enough? Even the finishing on the back is spot on!
If there’s one little suggestion I might make, it would be to put it on some less heavy rings and chain. Even the same weight rings and chain in the lighter color of silver would make the pendant and necklace more in tune with each other. Or, maybe you could string beads for the necklace? Hope you don’t mind me saying this… your beautiful pendant trumps everything else!
I love the colors, very pretty.!! I agree with Robin that the more delicate rings and/or chain might compliment it quite spectacularly. At the same point in time, I’m inspired by the way you used rings and a clasp to make your piece into a pendant. I make brooches and have been asked to make necklaces but have never been happy with any of my attempts to make one work. I thank you for the inspiration! it’s a beautiful piece and very well crafted.
It’s so beautiful!
Your choice of colors and patterns work together so well; looking forward to next month.
Your collage is a show stealer, that is for sure. I dont know how you do it with such teenie tiny details. Your color choices are spot on, I love all the symbolism with the eggs and icy colors of winter. It doesnt get any better than this. I love how you used the rings as part of the clasp too. Brilliant. I would be interested to see how it would work with silver too. Could be interesting.
I love your pendant. Harmony and calm is what comes to my mind when I saw it. I love the soft colours and your collage is beautiful. Like Robin said, a more “delicate” chain would complement your pendant very well. You’re off to a very good start! Looking forward to see more of your work!
Anne-Marie B.
Lovely! I’m a big fan of that style of clasp…down front and visible 🙂
This is lovely!
Holy Toledo GF pick up my jaw this piece is gorgeous and that poem oh so pretty, thanks for sharing.
wonderful! I love it.
Very nice, K. I love all of your collage work, and now with the beading there is something more to love. You’re such a professional.
What a lovely little pendant! Your beaded edging compliments the collage perfectly!
Marty S
Crackpot Beader