Boy art, Photography

Please, Forgive me!

Oh my heavens, I am late on drawing the winners of the blog candy! YIKES!

Well, this is what I have been up too!

Baking the boys art

Eating perfect pancakes with my guys

Playing phase 10, Thanks Gram!

Getting sweet gifts (a vintage card catalog) from my hubby

Making a tag for a challenge

Okay, a couple of tags! Te he he

Okay, Okay, the winner of the bracelet is Mary Rogers and the winner of the scrabble tire pendant is Donna Woods.  Thank you all for your patience!


3 thoughts on “Please, Forgive me!”

  1. Nothing like a good Fiskateer challenge to get your creative juices flowing! Thank You Kim! Fiskateer 6036

  2. Thanks Kim! Tori just saw it and now she wants it. LOL I’m so excited that I FINALLY get to wear a piece of your art.

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