
Summer days

As time is ticking down to the end of summer we are trying to get in lots of wonderful things.  Here is a look at what we have been up to this week.

1. Walk along the river

2. Watching baseball on tv

3. Playing phase 10 or uno nightly

4. Painting

5. Beading

6. Relaxing

7. Looking like a geek since the cat broken my glasses

We start the day watching the hummingbirds at our feeder


and end the day by saying goodnight to the moon.


Hope you are enjoy the rest of your summer. Thanks for stopping in to visit! I will be back soon with some new work!



1 thought on “Summer days”

  1. Your summer is a busy one. It’s hard to believe the boys will be back to school soon. Love the geek look–LOL.

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