Art Journal, Journal page, Linnie Blooms

Layers and Masking

On Monday, I got up and the sermon that Pastor Marc G.  gave on Sunday at Church was still on my mind. I got out my notes from the service and looked up some of the scripture that Marc talked about….the part that stuck in my heart was “I have learned to be content whatever the circumstance” from Philippians 4:11.  Am I really content in an circumstance ???? Honestly in my heart, I know I need to work on this…

So, I set off to work on my Life Book lesson. I watched the videos which were totally amazing. Part of the lesson was to mediate. Which I am not good at…my mind is going in a hundred directions at once all the time.  Yet, all that was on my mind was being content in an circumstance. Trusting the Lord.  So, I started the layers and painting.

Layer one


Layer twoIMG_9561

Layer three-IMG_9562Then, the masking or stenciling- I used the Linnie Blooms Butterfly stencil–  This is how I finished up my journal page .



Here are some close upsIMG_9575 IMG_9576


I hope you enjoyed seeing my process on this journal page. Thanks for stopping in!



1 thought on “Layers and Masking”

  1. Love your journal page. You do faces so well. Yes, meditating is hard. Good luck with the process.

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