Journal page

Where are we going?

I got a new book over the weekend. The Creative Edge by Mary Todd Beam. It really has made me think about why I create what I create. Plus what is holding me back from doing what I want to do.


Part one of my problem is that I do not believe in myself. Comes from my not so pleasant childhood.  Some days I just push past it and others well I get hung up on it. Sometimes to be honest, I think it is my excuse for not following my dreams. My biggest dream is that I want to teach children art lessons. So, I decided that I would teach private lessons. In my area art in some schools is down to 1/2 hour once a week! UGH! I have all the paper work filled out but one line and my $20 in hand, but since I can’t then of a good name…I sit and do nothing. Is it just so I don’t have to worry about failing? or being successful?

Do you have things you want to achieve but don’t believe you can do them?


I want to BELIEVE so I can ACIEVE and GROW!


All journal pages creative using an exercise in The Creative Edge- black gesso, tin foil, and water colors. Words added in photoshop

If you have any suggestion for a name for my childrens art lessons, I would love to hear them.

Thanks for stopping in!



7 thoughts on “Where are we going?”

  1. I can so relate to this. I hadn’t realized it, but it’s that “perfect” syndrome. Parents want us to be perfect at everything, that we’re afraid to try so that we won’t fail and not be so “perfect” anymore. I would love to teach art to kids too. I love how they absorb everything like a sponge. I wish you true success my friend. I think you’ll be fantastic at it!! Go for it. As to a name…Fingerpaint Art. Because I know that’s how my kids paint!!

  2. I don’t have a name, but dont let anything hold you back K! You would be a wonderful teacher… so DO IT!

  3. Such a thoughtful post, K. You are on the edge of greatness. Pain precedes all great growth. Curtis is the wordsmith, so I put him to task for a name. He’s thinking on it. You will be such a great art teacher. Kyle took private art lessons when we were homeschooling him. His teacher was wonderful and his pastel Blue Jay hangs in my bedroom as a beautiful reminder of that time in his life.

  4. your journaling pages are just beautiful! I am not great at thinking of names for things…but what about Art of the Inner Child. I might also suggest contacting local libaries to teach. We are always looking for programs at my local library and I am teaching some classes (adults) in the fall.

    Have a wonderful 4th of July!

  5. I don’t have a name for your Kim but just wanted to tell you to go for it you will be great at it good luck.

  6. K, you are one awesome artist and someone who has an “inner child” that is crying to be let out. I think Nancy’s suggestion is wonderful and suits a child & adult of all ages. The name can be carried over because one day you will be teaching adults. Nah, you say, but you just wait and see. Please start believing in yourself. Look at all the followers there are on your blog.



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