My charmsters group is doing a Halloween Charm Swap. Of course, I signed right up!
Here is my charm: It’s about the size of a penny

Supplies: Polymer clay, prismacolor markers, glitter, and vanish

Hope your having a great day! Thanks so much for stopping in!

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Published by K Hutchinson
Hi! I'm friends call me K, Nan, Nan K or Kimmer. I have been doing art for as long as I can remember. I even stayed an extra year in high school to stay and play in the art room with my favorite Art teacher, Mrs. Belling. Mixed media is something I am really loving to play with but then I enjoy doing anything art related. I am still search for my niche in art. Hopefully someday I will find it! Maybe it will find me! View all posts by K Hutchinson
That’s really awesome, Kim!
Very cool! How many do you have to make? What are you going to do with them when you get the others???
Ooh, so spooky! Just love it! You are just too clever!!!!
Tis the season & so neat! I’ve never used Polymer clay before–guess I’ll have to add it to the list!
I would love to learn how to use clay I have a bunch of sculpey is that about the same as polymer Kim BTW great charm