

As many of you know Christmas is a very hard Holiday for me, but this year I have been hit with the Holiday bug. I am working on wooden ornaments like a mad woman.  Of course, I also have a couple of swaps  that are due this month too! So, I worked on my 12 days of Christmas charm swap! I have 5 golden rings! I used my scraps of wood.



Each day I am learning many new things about working with wood! It is amazing and so much fun!

Thanks for stopping in. I enjoy your comments!



7 thoughts on “Golden”

  1. How did you frame your pictures like this?!?!?! LOVE IT. I like your charm! HAve a great day Kim!

  2. I’m always amazed…is there anything you can’t do? Wood, jewelry, stamps, painting…love this charm.

  3. I love the wooden ornaments you are making, Kim! Total treasures for a long time to come!


  4. So awesome. I like the bright colours and the little round circles. You rock!

  5. Thanks so much Julie! I am having a blast with the band saw! Each day trying something new! Learn different golden products on the the wood with water colors gives a different effect and textures!


  6. Hi,
    How is your woodworking going?
    Congratulations on your wooden ornaments for last Christmas!
    What are you planning to make this year?
    Visit this site for ideas!
    Warm regards,

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