
Happy 13th

Today is Friday the 13th! Do you by into all the bad luck hype? Not me…I think it is a lucky day! My Christmas cactus bloomed!




Enjoy your day! Live life to the fullest!




6 thoughts on “Happy 13th”

  1. Seeing your post made me get up & check out my Christmas Cactus. The flowers on mine are bright pink. Right now mine has 2 of the smallest little buds popping out–maybe it will actually bloom just in time for Christmas this year. It usually blooms in Feb. for me!

  2. Wow, everthing you posted lately, really cool, everything is so different, I like your presentation (the hand)….the ornament looks handmade…. that’s a good thing…. because some ornaments are too perfect…. why pay the money for stuff from China… ‘give’ me the handmade stuff…. special love put into it!!! Thanks for sharing! bLoom on!!

  3. beautiful pic!! no way do I buy into the bad luck stuff. My Christams cactus had pink blooms, I like your white ones

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