Yesterday, I finished up some more postcards! Today, I plan to work on a few more 😉

This guys will be going in the mail on Monday! All addressed and ready to go 🙂
Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday! It is cool here and rainy! So, a great day to spend in the studio working away once Mr. Ink gets home from work!
Thanks for stopping in! Your comments mean the world to me 🙂

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Published by K Hutchinson
Hi! I'm friends call me K, Nan, Nan K or Kimmer. I have been doing art for as long as I can remember. I even stayed an extra year in high school to stay and play in the art room with my favorite Art teacher, Mrs. Belling. Mixed media is something I am really loving to play with but then I enjoy doing anything art related. I am still search for my niche in art. Hopefully someday I will find it! Maybe it will find me! View all posts by K Hutchinson
Oooh! Where did you find your card stand? Is that a floral ‘frog’… or something like that! LMK…I love the water color look, are these on library book tags (can’t remember the name). Are you sending them all out? Love your collage work!
wow, Kim! these are great!!!! I love the fun colors and textures you’ve got going on!
Hooray for postcards!! You should join iHanna’s postcard swap!
I’m just loving your postcards. Maybe for next month’s Birthday/Christmas Card swaps, I’ll try postcards…hmmm…we’ll see!
Kim, these are beautiful. You are the collage queen! Just lovely 🙂
I love all the birdies! These are gorgeous.
I want a postcard sent to me, K!! These are gorgeous.
You go girl! Four wonderful postcards full of eye candy and creativity. You rock GF!
Holy Macaroni GF gorgeous my favorite is the hummingbird big fan of hummers.