Journal page


As I am  continuing  to working though the lessons in Tam’s class. We are working in a board book this week with transfers and whimsy people. I still need to do my transfer but I did do my whimsy page.

I have to say I am pretty happy with my page. The circle turns and on every page. I have left it blank for now since I am not sure what I am going to put on it!

a close up for my people

This week other than learning how to make some cute whimsy people! I also learned I had some things from my childhood to deal with. I will not go into it all but I will say….this healing is doing me good!

Thanks for all your kinds words and support. It means the world to me!


5 thoughts on “Whimsy”

  1. I love this sooo much GF. I can’t stop staring at it and just filled my coffee to sit back and stare some more. I noticed Peggy sent you to Kelley Rae Roberts. I just finished up a style of painting like she does as I have her autographed copy of her book. It is for Sarah for Christmas so I can’t post it yet. I’m freaked out that she won’t like it so I haven’t framed it yet. Still worried I shouldn’t give it to her. Your style of faces and bodies is very professional. Keep it up my friend.

  2. the circle turns – is that the little blue disc in the cutout on the right?
    it drew my attention straight away

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