Honey Gal's, Photography

Honey Gal- Summer

Hope everyone had a wonderful  Easter weekend! Ours was good,  we got lots done and got to hang out as a family. Good times 🙂

It was a nice warm day yesterday, that made me long for summer nights and CAMPFIRES!!!!  What is your favorite thing of summer?

“Honey Gal- Summer”  5 x 5 inches with frame

Thanks for stopping in! Happy Monday!


4 thoughts on “Honey Gal- Summer”

  1. Oh my gosh, your painting ROCKS. I love seeing all of your girly girls because they are all so unique and awesome. It looks like Easter was fun around the Hutchinson household.

  2. Fab art Kimmy and I love the little ones ears…… pretty eggs our Saturday was like that pure family…….and clown faces HeeHee……my favorite things to do in the summer is cook outs and watching wild life in my backyard.

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