Collage, Photography

Out on a limb

In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.
– John Muir

5 x 5 mixed collage- “Out on a limb”

Side view

This is some of my new work that has been inspired by being out in nature.  Nothing like the calming sounds of a bubbling creek. The sweet songs of many birds. The squirrels chatter as play. It just brings peace to my soul. It’s so relaxed and brings serenity to my life . What brings peace to your soul?

Thanks for stopping int to check out my new work! More exciting things coming soon- once I can share them 🙂


6 thoughts on “Out on a limb”

  1. Oh I love this wee work – I think being inspired by nature is really working for you.

  2. Love it. I see the influence our walks are having on your work, and its beautiful. I agree with you, I feel at peace while out walking around, an excitement, because you just never know what you will see, and a sense that everything is right with the world. I wish I could always feel that way.

  3. I really like “out on a limb”! Just discovered your blog for the first time– another art & nature-lover here 🙂

  4. Love it 🙂 Love what you didi with the picture of your son up their too. Did you use your extension tubes on this first picture here?

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