ATC, Collage, Gelli Arts- Prints


A group of my art friends were swapping out Owl Atc’s..well I had to get in on that action we all know how I love OWLS.



All the back grounds are gelli art prints 🙂



A close-up



Here is just one. Gosh, I just love this little owl; however, he makes me want a tootsie  pop!

One things with me and making multiples- I do not like it 😦 I used all the same supplies, but different placement and wording making them really one of a kind 🙂

Hope you have a wonderful day and Thanks for stopping in!



Gelli Arts- Prints

Gelli arts gel printing plate

Oh my goodness, last week I got a Gelli Arts gel printing plate from Genuinely Jane Studios. The Gelli printing plate is this 8 x 10 soft (jello) like plate. You put paint on it and can do a mono print. Of course, the boys had to try it out too!

Here is Sam’s two prints- the ghost and the regular print. The ghost is the left over paint that is on your plate after the print.

SJgelliartprintghost SJgelliprint


Ben’s prints

bengelliartprint Bengelliprintghost


Here are mine:

gelliprintme blugelliartprint


Then I thought, it would be fun to make a little popsicle stick journal. These are the front and back covers. I will show this little journal all finished in a few weeks.

backcovergelliprintbook frontcoverbookgelliprint


Then I wanted to see how it worked on a wooden  Genuinely Jane Studio book. I did NO prep, no gesso, no sanding, NOTHING…



Don’t they look amazing?  Can’t wait to finish this book 🙂

Bottom line Gelli Arts gel printing plate is AWESOME! Don’t walk, run and get one you will not be disappointed!

Thanks for stopping in! Have a great night!

