Beading, Charm, Collage, Embroidery, Gelli Arts- Prints, necklace, Uncategorized

2nd Annual Bead Hoarders blog hop

Hello everyone-

So, sorry I am late in posting my creation. I have been sick. I am starting to feel better now.Thanks, Lori Anderson for hosting.

Trust the Journey necklacebhtrustnecklace2014 copy

BHcloseupflower2014 copy bhtrustcloseup copy

The meaning of my Trust the Journey necklace:

Pendant-  The nest is a symbol of being strong and protected. (I created a collage on the back of a game piece)

The number 3 is a triangle- also meaning God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit.

The word trust means  belief that someone or something is reliable, good, honest, effective, etc.

The yellow’s meaning is the color of the mind and the intellect. It is optimistic and cheerful.

Dream catcher- Only good dreams would be allowed to filter through… Bad dreams would stay in the net, disappearing with the light of day.”

River Stone is known to hold powerful energy, providing the wearer with strength, energizing the entire aura, and speeding up internal and external processes.

(turquoise) color symbolizes richness, abundance and bounty

Copper has long been used as a healing metal.

paper beads mean a start and prayer. ( I made these paper beads out of some gelli art prints)

Cross- is the intersection of God’s love and His justice

Make sure you stop by Lori’s blog to see her creations and the list of other fabulous participants.

Thanks so much for stopping in today!



bracelet, earrings, Gelli Arts- Prints

Recycled art- belt bracelets and paper bead earrings

Hello Everyone,

Happy Monday day Morning 🙂 To start the week off, I thought I would show you what I have been up too! It is no secret that I LOVE repurposing things. You know my motto- recycle, repurpose, and reuse.

So, when Christy Tomlinson was offering an online class on turning old belts into bracelets. I had to join the class. It has been fun for the boys and I to thrift shop for belts.

Here are a few that I have made.

beltbracelets copy

I am sad that I can’t make anymore bracelets until I get more snaps. I ordered more this weekend. Making these is so addicting!

The next thing in my recycled bag of tricks is paper bead earrings. What I did with these two pairs of earrings is gelli art print some for the boys old homework.  I love these earrings since they are super light weight and so pretty!

greenbluepaperbeadearrings copy tealblackpaperbeadearrings copy


Hope you have enjoyed seeing my recycled projects! STAY GREEN, my friends!

Thanks for stopping in 🙂



Art Journal, Collage, Gelli Arts- Prints, Journal page, Mixed Media, Photography

Gelli Arts Print- Cat

I spent some time down in my studio. I just wanted to play. One of first loves is collage. I have been thinking about doing a cat collage for a while so here he is.

The other thing I have been thinking about is “being yourself”. Learning to love the person you are and not changing so other people will love you.  I read this online- One of the greatest challenges in life is being yourself in a world that’s trying to make you like everyone else.  Someone will always be prettier, someone will always be smarter, someone will always be younger, but they will never be you.  Don’t change so people will like you.  Be yourself and the right people will love the real you. You shouldn’t have to change who you are to be around certain people! God made you the way you are for a reason and loves you just the way you are….we all have different talents…we are all a work in progress (WIP). Celebrate the true you! catgelliprintbycs copy catgelliprintcloseup copy How we should treat others…framedbeyourselfquote   Thanks for stopping in…hope you enjoyed my post! Hugs, signk

Collage, Gelli Arts- Prints, Genuinely Jane Studios

Wall Hanging

Hey gang, I am here Today with a fun project using a page from the 6 x 6 scallop wooden book to make a wall hanging.  I think these pages are the perfect size to make a wall hanging with. What,  I just love is that each book comes with 4 pages. So, you could make 4 wall hangings from one book. Can you say lots of BANG for your buck!!! OH YEAH!

My wall hanging is called memento’s of the heart. The first thing I did was use the gelli art printing plate to do my back ground. I love you do not have to prep these books before you get busy creating with them. I also used Dad’s tie 6 x 6 stencil on the gelli art printing plate. I tend to stick with 3 colors on the gelli art printing plate. Then I moved on to adding some collage elements. You want to create movement with the pieces so I add in 3′s more the most part. I then drew out my gal on paper and painted her then adding her to scallop page. You could just paint her right on but I never have luck with that so I do it this way. I then added my words. Then the fun part comes with adding in little details. I used a regular Bic pen, gel pens, and a black colored pencil. Oh and some washi tape. Gosh…I love that stuff!  Once, I was happy with it, I sealed it all with a matt finish.  Used some string, lace and a twig to make a hanger. Cheap, cute and FUN gift!




Boy art, Collage, Gelli Arts- Prints, Genuinely Jane Studios, Shelf sitter

Happy collages

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Hello everyone! Happy Hump day. We are in the middle of our spring break here in Wisconsin. Truly it doesn’t seem like spring at all…on Monday we got snow and it’s been cold ever since. Currently it is 28 degrees. We are sooooo ready for some warm weather but I guess we have to wait on that.

Anyways, we are doing lots of fun happy things on Spring break. The first thing we did was go to a Milwaukee Brewers game . This is the best Happy video.  I am not going to share all the happy things we are doing on Spring break until the end of the week. I am going to show you this one project the boys and I did. I am so proud of them.

3 x 3 collages on wood. We stated by doing this presses on the gelli art plate then adding collages to them. Both boys have a great time and their projects turned out awesome.

First up is Ben’s:

Bencollage1 bencollage2


samcollage1 samcollage2

and Mine:

choosehappycollage1 choosehappycollagecorner

Did you miss my tunnel vision book to BE HAPPY over at GJS. Check it out, Here!

Thanks for stopping in to visit. Enjoy your day!



Art Journal, Book, Collage, Gelli Arts- Prints, Journal page

To do book

I think this time of year we are all reflected on 2013. Seeing what worked for us this year and what didn’t. What things we can change to make the 2014  better.  My friend Susan was talking about Leonie Dawson 2014 Create Your Amazing Year workbooks.  I took a look and feel head over heels in love with them! Something to help me plan and hold me accountable for getting to the pot of gold at the end of MY rainbow!

One of the activities in the workbook is to make a “to do book”.  Basically a notebook decked out all pretty and a new way to do a “list”. I am not a notebook kind of gal. They make me nervous….What if I mess up? Tear a page out…ugh..nope can’t do it! So, I did a binder. Ahhh glorious pages I can pluck out if I “mess” up (we know it’s going to happen). Ahhh tabs…Yes, I love my office supplies.

I took a sheet of paper and decorated up the front with some of my art work. I drew something new. After I finished it Ben said to me “oh a snow globe gal”…neatO!  That boy cracks me up.

closeupfocusonitbookframed focusonitlistbookframed2013


My word of the year is FOCUS so I made it my FOCUS on it list.  More coming on my word of the year. I am pretty excited to work in my “FOIL” book.

Thanks for stoping in to check out what I am working on.



Collage, Gelli Arts- Prints

File Folders- Gelliart prints

Gosh, Life seems to be so busy all the time. This past Saturday, I helped out at Church on Holy Spirit Saturday by helping watch some of the older kids. So, I thought it would be fun to have them work with the gelli plate. We did file folders that they could keep notes of things they are thankful for in. Plus some frames.

IMG_7762 IMG_7763 IMG_7764 IMG_7765

Then we decorated them..with wash tape and stencils. The kids and I had a blast!



Here are my two completed folders.

closeupideafolder ideasfolder dreamsfilefolder


Everyone sure had a fun time!

Thanks for stopping into visit!

Have a wonderful day 🙂



Collage, Gelli Arts- Prints

Jelly making and altered notebooks

Hello everyone,

We are on last full week of summer break. Then the boys will be back to school. I am excited and nervous all at the same time. But, right now I just want to enjoy the last moments of the summer.

One of things, I have been up to is Jelly making. This all started when we came back from vacation with a a big bag of chokecherries from the family farm.




Which then lead to making home made pesto from the basil from our garden.


Which then lead back to more jelly making…. 4 berry which was the recipe that Ball gave everyone for National Can it Forward day, Raspberry Grape, Raspberry Strawberry, and Cherry. I love to give them fun names but I heard some people don’t like them? What do you all think? ex- Uptown Cherry Jelly


Yesterday, the boys and I spent time getting together school supplies. We decided to “cool up” their notebooks. So we got out the Gelli  pad and went to town.

IMG_1538 IMG_1539




We has such fun making these! Hope everyone enjoys the rest of this week! Thanks so much for stopping in 🙂



Art Journal, Gelli Arts- Prints

Art journaling

I’m going to “fess” up right now! I love to look at art journals, I love the idea of art journals BUT (here it comes) I hate to do them. I find that I start strong but after a few pages- usually I hate one of the pages…I stop! Since, it’s bound in the book I can’t rip it out? Or could I?? Well either way, I don’t I just stop! Forget about it for a while …and then it creeps back into my head. So, I try a new Art Journal as if  it was the “book” I got; however, the same thing happens! I have been seeing these SMASH and Sn@p books and I was like ohhhh pretty…I want one….they are so COOL…BUT here is comes again…I just know I am not going to be happy with them. I want to add my own stuff …even though the stuff is ROCKIN cool!

I have been pondering this for sometime. The boys and I have been doing daily activities of drawing and writing. I wanted a fun way to keep all this stuff together too! As luck would have it while grocery  store I seen some scrapbooks. Yeah, I know I don’t really scrapbook. I found an album for 5 X 7 photos – it was like a little portfolio. You could change the cover and back and add in your pages! It was perfect for $1.29!

So, first thing today the boys and I started our pages.

Each day I give them prompts. Todays are as follows:

1. You must draw something

2. You must color it

3. Must have details

4. Must have 3 handwritten words

5. Use any materials you would like

Ben’s Day 1  page:



He is in love with the sea and fish right now!

Sam’s Day 1 page:



His heart in baseball season!

Here is my 1st page:



This is a little different for me but Art journals make you skills grow, right?



Close-up of whale belly! LOL!

I am going to use a gelli art print on my cover



Each book as 36 pages. Fingers crossed, we get them filled! 30 days to a new habit!

Thanks for stopping in!



Gelli Arts- Prints

Gelli art prints

I have to say that I am more and more in love with my Gelli Art Printing plate. Before school ended Ben’s grade did a talent show. He wanted to do Gelli prints. So, like an good Mama I went and helped him out. Plus we made a portfolio  to show his classmates of some of his work.  After the talent show one of our creative friends Ashley wanted to come over and try out the gelli art printing plate.

Here is Ashley and her work:

Ashleygelliprint2 ashleygelliprinthand

It was so fun to watch Ashly’s face light up with each layer we did. I think she had a great time and learned lots 🙂 Can’t wait to have her back over again.


The boys and I did another project with the gelli art printing plate too. We did silhouette’s.  I am finding I can use this plate to start about any project.



“Hummer” by Ben age 8

samgelligecko“Gecko” by Sam age 10

Of course, I do not make the boys do anything unless I am willing to do it too.



“Purify my heart”



As we are in full swing of Summer, I thought I would have more time…NOPE! Busier than ever doing things with the boys. I am doing homeschool activities with them all summer. I will share some of their art soon!

Thanks for stopping in,

