This is my favorite time of year! Apples, pumpkins, bats, and scary monsters! What’s your favorite part of fall???

* Supplies*- TAC Halloween set, CM punches, hand stitching, OMS and color pencils, staples, paperclip, and ribbon
Hope you enjoy the first day of FALL ya ALL 🙂

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Published by K Hutchinson
Hi! I'm friends call me K, Nan, Nan K or Kimmer. I have been doing art for as long as I can remember. I even stayed an extra year in high school to stay and play in the art room with my favorite Art teacher, Mrs. Belling. Mixed media is something I am really loving to play with but then I enjoy doing anything art related. I am still search for my niche in art. Hopefully someday I will find it! Maybe it will find me! View all posts by K Hutchinson
I love the crisp, clean smell in the air. The smell of ginger and nutmeg. Pumpkin lattes and leaves crunching beneath my feet.
Very cute! Do you pre-punch the stitch holes or just have a sharp threaded needle? I like fall fashions… but it’s got to be the ‘right’ temp. Wanting to wear sweaters and it’s 60 out, yuck… or a cute jacket and it’s warm in the place you are going too…. love fall colors!!
I totally remember this bat! Love him
Your buttons really caught my eye. You are one smart cookie GF! This is one rock’n card!