What a week it has been. The weather has been gorgeous for February in WI! I have been able to get roam around in nature. What a calm that brings to your soul!
Before, I show off my macro shots I want to tell you about yesterday’s trip out in Nature. Since Tracey, and I were able to get out on a nature walk earlier in the week. My boys were begging to go out on Saturday. The weather was nice enough, so off we went. We pull into the park as another car is pulling out. Then another car comes into the park and turns around. I pull into a parking area close to this one tree, I want to check out. I think it might have an owl nest in it. As, I am scanning the woods for the tree.
I see this looking back at me:

I start looking around not one person or car is in the park. So, I get out and see if the dog is friendly. He is really thin and shaking. he does come over to me. I finally let the boys get out of the car. We feed him some french fries. As he is eating my boys look around the area he was bedded down in. They find a teeny tiny food bowl and water dish. At this point, I say some really bad words and call Tracey to ask for her help. Tracey was so awesome making phone calls and really getting NO help for this abandon dog. Meet us at the park with some dog food. Helped get him to the humane society.

Turns out that we are in a township and the Humane Society will not take him. No officials from that district will call us back and to this point still have not! So here, I am stuck with the choice of walking away knowing that he will die out in the woods or taking him and finding him a home.

What kind of person dumps their dog in a park ? What kind of person thinks that is OKAY? My boys learned many lessons yesterday. I could not be more proud of them.
Okay, now here are my photos for I heart macro:

Thank you all for taking time to stop in a check out my post! Hope you all have a wonderful week!