Boy art, Collage, Gelli Arts- Prints, Genuinely Jane Studios, Shelf sitter

Happy collages

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Hello everyone! Happy Hump day. We are in the middle of our spring break here in Wisconsin. Truly it doesn’t seem like spring at all…on Monday we got snow and it’s been cold ever since. Currently it is 28 degrees. We are sooooo ready for some warm weather but I guess we have to wait on that.

Anyways, we are doing lots of fun happy things on Spring break. The first thing we did was go to a Milwaukee Brewers game . This is the best Happy video.  I am not going to share all the happy things we are doing on Spring break until the end of the week. I am going to show you this one project the boys and I did. I am so proud of them.

3 x 3 collages on wood. We stated by doing this presses on the gelli art plate then adding collages to them. Both boys have a great time and their projects turned out awesome.

First up is Ben’s:

Bencollage1 bencollage2


samcollage1 samcollage2

and Mine:

choosehappycollage1 choosehappycollagecorner

Did you miss my tunnel vision book to BE HAPPY over at GJS. Check it out, Here!

Thanks for stopping in to visit. Enjoy your day!



Boy art, Journal page, Life Book 2014

LifeBook 2014

One of the things, I wanted to do this year was learn to make some “Me” time. So, I signed up for LifeBook 2014. The first project/page Tam had us do was a guardian angel. Drawing “real” looking people is not my thing..but I gave it a go.



One of the other lesson was from Carla Sonheim.  It’s no secret that I am a huge fan of Carla’s and have taking a few of her on-line classes. Carla always has you reach in and grab that inner 7 year old artist that we love to push out of sight!



A few of my favorites- Making flowers out of scraps, paint blob animals, drawing blind, drawing with non-dominent hand, and one liners.

Each night the boys and I have some art time. Some night’s it just a quick activity and other nights it’s more involved.  One of the activities Carla had us do was washi tape animals. So, I asked the boys to do it with me. I am over the moon excited about the results!



Sam’s bird- I am giddy in love with it! I am thinking it needs to be made into a pillow, t-shirt or something cool.




Ben’s animal- I am so in love with that eye and toes! So stinkin cute!



My bird- So fun!

I have to say, I am loving the LifeBook class so far! Doing things I would have never done and loving it!

What’s everyone else working on? Thanks for stopping in today!



Boy art, Journal page, Mixed Media

Perler Beads and Watercolor Bird

With my guys home most of this week we have been doing lots of things…

Here is what Ben has been up to:

bnenerwork of artsnov2013_edited-1


Perler Beads and making sun catchers. He has a nice Christmas list that includes some new perler bead items.

Here is what Sam has been up to:

sam'sactivitynov2013 copyPuzzle building, making loom bracelets, wood burning, taking can’s to the golden goat and being the best big brother.

We have our trees up, make some ornaments, and just enjoyed each other. What has everyone else been up to?

I spent sometime today working on a journal page:



Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! Thanks for stopping in!




Boy art

Online Pinterest Party

My Friend Ethel is hosting a pinterest party today on Facebook. I just love pinterest! I’ve done a lot of things from pinterest. But, this time I wanted to do something with my boys. It’s Sunday, it’s family time. So we sat down and look though pinterest and they wanted to make sun catchers and waxed leaves.  They had a blast.

Here is Sam and Ben  with the way we thought would be best to display. I hung it in our front window! We just love it!

Then for fun I made this eyeball wreath for our front door. All supplies from the dollar store.

Thanks so much for checking out the fun we had with the nudge from Ethel and the help of pinterest.


Boy art, Journal page

Off and running

Well, the summer is off and running! The boys got one day off of school (Friday) before they started summer school today! They had a lot of fun today but they hated getting up early! Summer school starts 15 minutes before regular school starts! Summer school is only 3 1/2 hours.

After I picked them up we had a quick lunch and un-plugged and played a game of Life! It is one of their favorite games to play on my iPad! When they finished playing, I asked them which was more fun the “board game” or the “electric” and they both said “BOARD GAME”!

Then we headed down to the library. I thought the explorer program started today, nope next week! UGH! But we still had fun! They love to hang out at the library!

Some of the fun we had at the library!

Once we got home from the library we started on our assignments! Yep, assignments in summer! LOL! Not from school from Carla Sonheim,  I signed us up for the Junk Mail Artist’s  book class. At summer school they do not have an art program so I thought this would be fun for all of us.

Our first assignment for JMAB- class was to do line drawings without lifting out pens and then to gesso 10-12 pieces of junk mail.

The boys did so great! They thought brayering the gesso was so much fun!

Here are mine, I did the warm up exercise of doodling your symbol too!

What is in plan for the rest of our day? Well, a walk, a nature movie (on arctic animals) and another game of Life! What do you all have going on?

Tomorrow, I hope to be back with some new little gems…I am having a heck of a time getting them to dry with this humid weather we are having!

Thanks for stopping in!


Boy art, Photography

Please, Forgive me!

Oh my heavens, I am late on drawing the winners of the blog candy! YIKES!

Well, this is what I have been up too!

Baking the boys art

Eating perfect pancakes with my guys

Playing phase 10, Thanks Gram!

Getting sweet gifts (a vintage card catalog) from my hubby

Making a tag for a challenge

Okay, a couple of tags! Te he he

Okay, Okay, the winner of the bracelet is Mary Rogers and the winner of the scrabble tire pendant is Donna Woods.  Thank you all for your patience!


Boy art

Budding artist

I wanted to show you all , the paintings  that my two little budding artist did.

First up is Benner. He dreams of being a botanist. He is ready for spring. Ben can’t wait to watch the flowers bloom.

“Orange Bloom”

Here is Sam’s work of art. He is not in to art so much any more 😦 But did want to do this fast and easy art project with me the other day!

“Birch trees in the moonlight”

As for me, I have been busy with a secret mission, but here are a couple of sneak peeks! SMILE

Can’t wait to show you in full detail these fun projects!

Lastly, here is a photo of Sam and Chagall. Last week, while I was working on my beading. I put it at the kitchen table to go to the little girls room. While I was in the bathroom, Chagall took off with my bead project and swallowed my bead needle! I will spare you all the details. Chagall is fine…thank heavens!

Happy Wednesday, everyone! Thanks for stopping into visit!
