Ok, I am not really melting! We only have gotten a tiny sneeze of snow- it is just to warm for any of it to stay around! So everything is starting to melt! YAY!
Last night I started playing around with melted crayon technique. With some help from Mr. Ink – I took step-by-step photos 🙂
So, lets get started melting!
crayons (thanks Chels for leaving these at my house :))
Something to melt the crayons with- I use a hot mark
printer paper or notebook paper

Step One:
Turn on Hot melt and pick out crayons. Then you put your card stock down and melt the crayon into the hot mark

Keep going with colors until your whole piece of cardstock is cover with the crayon wax.

This is how it looks after you have all your crayon wax on the card stock
Step 2:
Time to melt off the wax. Plug in iron. Get printer paper or notebook paper.
Put the notebook paper over the cardstock with your melted crayon wax. Iron.


Here is your new background that you can stamp on.
This is what I did with this background! I used the sketch that Jennifer posted on her blog today. The door stamp I used is from Sunflowers and Dragonflies Creative Designs.

Then the inside:

Sorry about the bad knock knock jock but the ink spots are really into telling me then these days! LOL
One last thing to share with you before I go today! My new hair cut, lots of layers!

Hope you take time to try the melted crayon. It is so fun! You can stamp first then melt your crayon. Thank you so much for stopping in! Have a wonderful day.